Global Luxury Brand: Decision Making & Effective Meetings
Here is a story with one of the clients I worked with: Pierre was the head of the leadership team for a French luxury brand, and a...

Top Five Global Advertising Agency - in High TQ Team Members Get Recognized
We conducted a High Performance Team development program for the Singapore office of one of the top-five global advertising firms. Their...

So What Is a ‘Winning Team’?
Are you convinced of the benefits of creating a winning team in your organization? What is a ‘winning team,’ anyway? Let’s use this...

Winning Sports Teams Possess High TQ – So Can Your Team
In studying dozens of winning sports teams, I have found they consistently possess a high TQ (Team Quotient). I have derived eight successf

Occasionally we find a leader with the talent to embed a new team culture throughout the organization. Such is the remarkable story of...

Five Reasons Why High Performance Teams Are So Rare
One of many reasons it is difficult to judge the performance of a team is that most fail to define what “High Performance” means. How can...

High Performance Meetings
Surveys have shown that less half of meetings are useful. Many people complain they last too long, and are time wasters. We all have...

What Does It Take to Build a High Performance Team?
I am going to guide you through the eight elements in building a High Performance Executive Team. If you can embody these characteristics...

What Makes Good Leadership?
At TQ we are building a community of individuals and companies that take building high performance teams seriously. We appreciate the...

The Genesis of Team Quotient
Fate is funny. When I began my corporate career over 30 years ago as an aspiring and ambitious professional, the furthest thing from my...