Personal TQ
Personal Team Quotient (TQ) is the degree to which a team member works effectively in the team context. It measures:
how effective you are in communication within the team;
what are your cooperation and collaboration capabilities;
your awareness of fellow team members’ styles, preferences, strengths and development opportunities;
how engaged you are with other team members and level of activity in discussions.
Take the 1 minute free Personal TQ HealthCheck to know how well you work in a team environment
Collective TQ
Collective Team Quotient (TQ) measures the team’s ability to operate as a High Performance Team. Take the Collective TQ HealthCheck with your team to know:
Your team score on the scale of Dysfunctional to High Performance;
How consistent and effective the team is in delivering results;
Whether team goals and positions are aligned;
How well the team collaborates;
Whether the team knows what is important and behaves in accordance with its values;
The trust level of the team;
The team’s motivation and enjoyment in working together;
The strength of the team identity.
Take the Collective TQ HealthCheck for your team; Get a free quote from our consultant.