Kick-Start TQ by Leveraging The Burning Platform
As a team leader, you probably have some clear ideas of the issues concerning your organization or operation, and where you want to lead...

Who Stays - Who Goes? Alan Mulally’s Proven Approach to Leadership Teams
In order to give Team Quotient (TQ) the best head start, the first thing a new CEO must examine is the leadership team, making sure the...

How to Create a Compelling Team Vision?
Many teams rely on the Company Vision or Mission to pull the team together. That is acceptable for a Mediocre team but it’s not good...

Team Values: What Really Matters?
All teams have Values in some form, whether conscious or unconscious. Unfortunately, many teams haven’t articulated and aligned their...

Creating High Team Quotient (TQ): Identity, Bonding, And Relationships
You may have a talented team with a clear Vision; perhaps you have even identified core Values and behaviours. Yet, the soft, intangible...

Case of GSK China - Building World Class High Performance Team
Building a world class high performance team around a new market model (Excerpt from Book “Team Quotient: How to Build High Performance...

European Bank - Focusing on the Vision
One of our clients was a team at a European bank responsible for ‘transaction banking.’ Transaction banking handles the safe and...

Professional Services Team - From Dysfunction to High Performance
This professional services firm is a global leader in its field and a strong player in Greater China. The partners on this team are...

Global Marketing Communications Firm - Creating a New Team Culture in a Multi-cultural Team
This Marketing Communications firm is a global leader in its field and a strong player in Asia. It had recently acquired another...

Global Pharmaceutical Leadership Team From a New Team to a High Performance Team
Jack had just been appointed as the new business unit head of a major pharmaceutical company. I was assigned to be Jack’s coach in 2014. ...